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In my room
Even though a bit more than two months have passed I still haven't showed any photos of my room. As the slow starter I am it took me of course some time to get it personal, cosy and feel like some kind of home. Now I must say it is quite alright, but it can always get better of course.
Before it used to be a white sticker with just my full name and room number on my door, until mon ami Bibo was very friendly and gave me this fantastic personal name tag! The coolest thing is that I didn't even tell him how I wanted it when he asked if I wanted one, but this is exactly how I thought it would look like!
So welcome inside my room! The two bins on the floor get taken care of by the cleaning ladies two-three times a week or something. The blu
e is only for paper, don't dare to throw anything else in there! They come around ten in the morning and knock on your door, and wake you up if you had plans of a bit of sleep in after a long night. Well, they are actually very friendly and chatty, so I won't talk more bad about them. I also got a little fridge. It's mostly small yoghurt packs in there that you take with you from breakfast that I eat sometimes as a bit of bed time snack. Sometimes there's also a beer or two, milk or something in there too, but most of the times it's kind of empty.
My bed isn't big, but for a small man like myself it's pretty perfect. Don't think I need to say that the bed always looks that neat and nicely made every morning, as a former army man I know how it should look. Although sometimes occasionally (read mostly) I wake up tired and just let it be. We got a bed sheet pack when we came her, but the duvet fabric feels very plastic in a strange way so I prefer my own ones. The cool poster gives the room a bit of a needed raw edge in the remaining so neatly room.
I got quite a lot of cupboard space for my clothes and other belongings, so I won't complain, especially since I'm a guy. Seems to be a bit worse for some of the girls who are in the so called house
s off from the main college building, they're quite jealous when they see the rooms we got who lives in the corridors. I don't have my own bathroom, I share with about eight others, but I got a little basin at least and a mirror. I don't even have to clean the basin myself, but that is done by the cleaners every Monday when they also hoover the floor, although you have to clear the floor and around the basin before they come. Not bad, not bad.
I don't sit
and study much at my desk, instead I go to the library, so I sit there mostly at night checking my mails, chat and read news. I've matched my lovely green laptop and mouse with a plastic green cup for pens, could almost be an add for IKEA. In my bookshelf I got a few books, some I've read and some I've yet not, but it makes it look intelligent. Also got the freshers photo with everyone dressed up, with myself in the middle.
On my board I put up a collage of family, friends and places that makes me feel more at home and remember a lot of good folks and times. I hope to put up some more photos and cover the whole board, maybe some new ones from here to mix it up a bit.
My room view is not cat piss at all, you could have much worse than waking up in the morning, pull your curtains and look out over wonderful hills spreading far away. As you might glimpse, there is a quite nice cathedral too from my window view, but the trees to the left totally ruin my perfect picture. Me and my neighbour Tom have long gone plans of a midnight chainsaw massacre mission and cut it down, but so far it's still there.
Hope you like it, and feel free to visit anytime you want. Mi casa es su casa!
1 kommentar:
Tack för rundvisningen, kul att se hur du bor när man inte kan se det med egna ögon! :) Nä, nu ska kanske även nattmänniskan få sig lite sömn ;)
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