- Daddy longlegs: Harkrank
Word of the day VIII
Two nights ago I was in my friend and corridor neighbour Tom's room, when I all of a sudden see this big disgusting insect flying around and climbing on the ceiling. I knew very well what kind it was, just didn't know the name in English. I remember when I used to have my mom or dad come into my room and kill them before I could go to sleep, I hated those long creepy legs! I still do, but not so much anymore that I need others to take care of them. Well, in this case though Tom tried to save it by force it towards the window, but I handled him a rolled up tourist folder and told him to smash it. What happened to it, and the proud warrior, you can see below.

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3 kommentarer:
You know that swans in England belong to the Queen so you cannot kill them or trap them as you can get fined???
Are you sure this lovely nasty bug creature is not one of the Queen's beloved pets??
For you own sake I hope it wasn't as it could be difficult for you to escape the country if airports are all covered with your pic! u killer! lol!
No, really?? Didn't know that! Well, doesn't feel that pc to kill or trap swans in Sweden either haha!
They are not lovely, just nasty! If they're are her's, she can keep em! All I got to say is: "Yes, they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!!"
It's not me in the photo, it's my room neighbour Tom:P Don't know if I should be flattered about looking young and fresh like a 19 y o, or he for looking mature and manly like a 25 y o haha!
I knew it was your mate Tom, I read what you wrote...but you induced the killing, so you are even more guilty than him, cause you are older and used a child to do your dirty work! lol!
You can try to defend yourself, but it wont work!!
See you in hell baby! lol!
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