
The Night Before Christmas

Today as it is the night before Xmas, and also a bit yesterday, we have baked Christmas sweets and decorated the tree and the house in our home. I really like the spirit when we're all together in the family (except my brother who comes home later) and prepare everything, even though I'm not always as participant in the making and more in the tasting. I'm looking forward to tomorrow with the family dinner and everything, and go to sleep now as an excited little kid.

Mom making chocolate candy

Me licking the dough-scraper

Making gingerbread cookies

My sis making marzipan Santas

Our lovely Xmas tree

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vilka armar! Uppenbarligen ingen främling på gymet ser jag...

Anonym sa...

Va mysigt ni verkar ha det! God fortsättning önskar Hälsingetösen :)