Everything kept on that way at Heathrow as I only had my hand luggage to carry around and plenty of time to find the gate, until I went through customs. Quite often when I go through the metal detector I have forgot a small coin or something or just have some tiny piece of metal on my shirt and have to be searched, but this time I went through without a sound. So I move forward to take my bag and other belongings, and I see the man at the monitor calling for another man to get over there and have a look but I didn't take more notice than that. Then I see that other man taking my backpack and asking "whose this?" and I say it's mine. Even though I know I don't have anything in there that you can't have I'm shaking while I bit for bit open up my backpack and watch him empty it and search through with some tool. I can say I got really surprised at first when I pulls upp a fork from there and puts it away, but then I realized I had forgot it in there when I borrowed it from Tobias' kitchen in Uppsala. I then calmed down a bit, but as he went on I told him that it was my school bag and that it must had been there for almost two weeks and now was probably all mouldy so they could keep it. He actually laughed a bit and offered to put everything back again but I said thanks and that I was fine to do it myself. Just wonder how they didn't find it in Stockholm.
The flight to Newcastle went really fast, in less than an hour, and was mostly up and down. The last 5-10 minutes before landing were really shaky and I just grabbed on hard to the seat, breathed slowly and heavily, and just wanted to be on the ground. I fucking hate turbulence when I'm on a plane! I then took the metro train to the central station, and a bus from there to Durham as there was some kind of problem with the trains. I arrived at college at 4pm, local time, very tired but also glad to be back and see everyone. Put all my stuff into my room, took a nice shower, then went to dinner, and fixed some stuff in my room before I hit the bar a bit after 8pm. It was a quite weird but really great experience to see everyone again, felt a bit like I had never been gone. I left the bar right after 10pm to hit the bed, but just as I was about to get undressed about an hour later the fire alarm went of (again), so had to go and wait outside the main entrance for a couple minutes. Fell asleep immediately as soon as I lied down under the duvet, and slept like a log for nine hours. When I woke up this morning and pulled the curtain it was all grey and rainy outside, and it really felt like I was back to reality, home in Durham, UK.
3 kommentarer:
Haha! Fin liten historia det där, särskilt det med gaffeln ;) Kram från ett snöigt Uppsala!
Ja, trodde knappt nån skulle orka läsa, men måste ju summera lite innan det är tillbaka till det normala igen. Blev först lite skraj kan jag lugnt säga, men när jag såg va det handlade om och han va trevlig så slappnade jag av lite och kunde skoja lite ;) Kram från ett regnigt Durham!
NU läste jag detta! Ja, hur lyckades du få med gaffeln på Arlanda, din lilla kapare?! :)
Har förresten blivit riktigt Spotified, så nu ska jag börja kolla dina musiktips. Största nostalgitrippen idag var Gloria Estefan-låtarna från när jag poppade som typ åttaåring! Sååå bra! keram!
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