Free Spotify!
For those that have read this blog a while you have seen that I have had in many of my music posts a Spotify-link to the music I have written about so you can listen to it yourself. Spotify is, for you who already don't know and are using it, a music program that let you stream and listen to music through your computer. As the company that developed it has made contracts with all the major record labels and lots of smaller ones it allows you to listen to a huge number of songs in a good sound quality. Through the UK you can right now listen to 2 225 382 songs, in Sweden even a bit more right now I think! The program is free to download, but to get a free account you have to get an invitation from another user. The free version is funded by short advertising messages that sometimes comes in between the songs but not that often. There is also the premium account without advertising that cost 9.99 € (approximately 12 USD, £10 GBP or 100 SEK). Spotify Premium is available in Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and the UK. The Free version is only available in the UK, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Spain. It looks a lot like iTunes and very easy to use.
The good thing now is that I received a couple invitations when I got back here and changed country to UK in my profile (I guess they want to spread the program outside of Sweden, where it was created and launched). So I will now hold a contest where you can win a free Spotify account!! The only thing you have to do is to motivate in a comment to this post why you should get one of the two accounts I'm going to give out! I will let announce the winners next Friday.

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4 kommentarer:
Jag André Wallenberg skulle mer än behöva vinna en inbjudan till spotify eftersom jag är oerhört dålig på att lyssna på musik. Eftersom jag inte vill eller orkar ladda hem så är jag alltid ca ett halvt år efter när det gäller musik.
Något som ibland är pinsamt, t.ex. när man säger "har du hört den där låten" och får till svar, jo den var bra för 6 månader sedan.
Dessutom skulle en inbjudan gagna mer än mig, även Hanna. Så två flugor i en smäll om man säger så. Eller som ni säger i England, two fly´s i one punch.
Per, hur får man inbjudningar? Eller var finns dom? Fattar inte det riktigt :) Jag behöver ju inte tävla hihi ;)
I should win the spotify account because i'm your best friend and i buy everything at ikea and i love sweden and knackebrod. I'm to poor to buy cd's so i need this account to be able to listen al the beautiful swedish music of abba!
Heja! Spotify till ALLA!! :D
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