

The term is really going towards the end, and as I have handled in all my summative essays there is not much to do then to try to read all the literature that's left. However, this afternoon I had a tutorial in Geographies of Health and Health Care. As always the tutorial was lead by a PhD student or such that I never met before. He was a tall black guy, and he spoke with a quite slow, low and dark voice that was very calm, soft and relaxing to listen to. As I sat there, trying to keep up with the discussion going on, I couldn't stop thinking about who he reminded me of, and suddenly I realize who it was. A bit because of the looks but mostly because of the voice, and I was just waiting for him to stand up and start singing this song:

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Tack igen Per för återupptäckten! Jag är helt fast nu! Lyssnar säkert sönder den snart ;)