The past Friday it was the Informal Ball, which is more or less like a normal formal (rhyme not intended) but bigger and better. So after my afternoon lecture I hooked up with Bibo, Phil, Felix and the captain of his water polo team at New Inn for an afterwork beer. After that we went back to college for some pizza (since we hadn't tickets for the dinner, only for the entertainment after) and drinks, and I drank my bingo prize. As always there was a theme for the formal, and for this it was "we're going on a gap year". Mind the singular form of the last word. Taking three gap years like me don't exist here. I dressed up as a surfer, since I spent almost half of one of my years off in Australia. The entertainment was really well planned with a live band and other fun stuff you could try, and you could also get a fake tattoo (which is, even though I want one, probably the closest I get to have one). It was a really fun night, that lasted until I passed out with my top and surf-shorts on in my bed really tired.

1 kommentar:
När jag såg bilden trodde jag först att du hade gjort en riktig tatuering. Hade varit mäktigt...
Glöm nu inte att betala in pengar till klassfesten. Den 20:e måste det vara fixat. Jag, Joel, Aron och Isak har redan betalat.
Hela vägen!
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