
Exams / Word of the day IX

On Wednesday I have my first exam, which I must say I'm quite nervous about. But that's how it's supposed to feel, and if it goes not so good, so be it. I have four more exams after it, and even though I feel a bit stressed I can't be too much bothered. Right now I just look forward to get over with them and enjoy June here fully free!
The exams here are bit different than I'm used to. Fewer questions and more writing, but hopefully not too much problem as we get to choose two questions out of six. Also, as an Erasmus-student I get a concession, which means I get to use a Swedish-English dictionary and also in most exams get some extra time. Not bad with some extra benefits. Some people, not I though, even get to answer less questions, which I think is a bit weird. Speaking for myself I might be a bit slow with things, but I got no knowledge problems.
  • Concession: Förmån

1 kommentar:

Bea Muñoz sa...

Really? Im in shock!!! Durham is better than shitty Liverpool then!!! Lucky you!

I still remember that French exam i did...some vocab about food on it...food I had eaten, food i knew the name in Spain but food I had no idea of how they called it in English to the point that when I had to give a translation for "croquette" (croqueta in Spanish) i thought...fuck! how is this shit called in English!!

What did i do? i thought...I don't care, I know its not the same but...croquette...mmm...MEATBALL!! lol! anyway this English don't know much about food!