
Therapeutic landscape

Today I handled in my second essay in less than a week, and it feels even better to be over with than the first one! It's not the best essay I wrote in my life, but it fulfills its purpose at least, can't really be bothered about it anymore.
The essay I wrote is about how natural environments can influence human physical and mental health and wellbeing. For example what is called 'therapeutic landscapes', which I had a seminar about in where we discussed our own therapeutic landscapes, places were we feel relaxed and well. I said that mine was probably the family summer house, which is on a small island south of Stockholm. When I was a tiny kid I was a bit afraid of it cause it was very dark and scary at night, since there's no electricity, and a lot of the interior is as old as the house, which is 120 years old. Then as a young teen I got very bored and restless as there were no TV to watch. But the last couple of years when I've been able to go there myself with friends for a weekend or so I have appreciated it much much more; the big quiet old house, the relaxing calm, the amazingly beautiful natural environment, the evening dips in the strait (which I think creates a need for "Word of the day"-special, since I didn't even know this word myself), and sitting on the balcony with a beer in good company and see the sun sets. Pure quality of life!


Word of the day V
  • Strait: Sund

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

So how does the happy place we go to in our minds, when we need physical and mental health and wellbeing, correlate to natural environments you wrote about? Does it mean you don't really need a physical therapeutic landscape?
Sorry, had to ask.

Per sa...

Good question, but I'm not that familiar with the concept to give really good answer I'm afraid. Well, it's the physical natural landscape that is therapeutical, such as water, open fields or woodland (but of course individual), maybe especially if you live in a to you stressful urban environment. So I guess you need the physical place to reach your mental happy place.