
St Aidan's is an army...!

Like I mentioned yesterday so was it time for the first fancy dress formal for the term last night, (Again, neither 'fancy dress' or 'formal' should be confused with any kind of formality at all, it's more of a nice and fun costume party dinner) and the theme was "A is for Aidan's". So me and my table comrades dressed up as an army (as many others too unfortunately). Since fancy dress parties is a very common thing here are there many stores who sell costumes of different kinds, even a specialized store for it. Me, Phil and Bibo bought matching camouflage tank tops, and I also found a plastic helmet and a toy automatic rifle, bought cheap green cargo pants at the Salvation Army (fittingly), and borrowed walking boots from a friend. The last touch was the camo paint in the face. However, while the others just painted a few stripes on the cheeks I did like I was used to do in the army and covered the whole face. Don't know if the dress and the paint set off a Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome or something, but I got a bit over-excitedand and rolled on the floor and stuff. After the dinner the party continued as usually in the bar, where the themed continued as the Fab Four took the kareoke stage and ripped off "Seven Nation Army" before a wild crowd. The night finished off at Studio down town for some crazy dancing to a great mix of hip-hop. I think that almost two hours of dancing in a sweaty night club, especially in big boots, is at minimum equal to a heavy work-out in the gym, cause I was exhausted afterwards, but it was a real fun night! This morning was not as fun though, I can count the hours I slept on one hand, as I had to go up at 7:50am for a nine o'clock lecture. I was so tired, but at least I was there and took some notes. Not like Bibo, who overslept and missed his train and flight to France for the weekend early this morning. There was no one who slammed the door open at 6am and yelled 'good morning' like in the real Swedish army.

Two Angels, Apple computers, and an Agent
There's nothing fun about being in the army
I'm gonna fight 'em off, a seven nation army couldn't hold me back!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I'm so glad I found your blog because I didn't know Everington was a fictional town. Thanks for pointing that out. Your site is the 5th choice in a search for Everington, on ask.com.
It is inreresting to read your posts about Durham, I was wondering how long the bus trip took for Billy Elliot and his father when they went for his audition. I hadn't seen this movie in years. I just bought the dvd so a friend could watch it.
I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado USA and am always interested in how this country is viewed by others. A translation of your November 5th entry was fun to read. Many of us have our fingers crossed for President Obama. The last 8 years have been hell for alot of us. Injustice, intolerence and plain stupidity and greed have caused so much pain and suffering for my countrymen.
I hope you continue to write posts about how the world outside of this country views us. (aside from the hip-hop stuff!) Its very enlightening.
I will continue to visit your site, some of your pictures are quite stunning. Your autum pictures look alot like New York or Colorado
Scot Yates
PS, Please forgive my typing, it sucks!

Per sa...

I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy my blog!! Cool to see that there are people reading it all around the world!
About the bus trip, I think it takes about a bit more than 6 hours from here to London by bus. And I also read that most parts of the film was recorded on two small coastal towns near here.
Yes, Obama as President is very exciting, and I understand the years with Bush must have been horrible. Very possible I write something more about it, but I think I will write more about the life in England than in the US.
Thank you about the pictures! There are some amazing places to photo here.
Hope you will continue to like my blog! :)